Module libnotify.notification


notify_notification_add_action(notification, action, label, callback, user_data, free_func) Adds an action to a notification. When the action is invoked, the specified callback function will be called, along with the value passed to user_data.
notify_notification_clear_actions(notification) Clears all actions from the notification.
notify_notification_clear_hints(notification) Clears all hints from the notification.
notify_notification_close(notification, error) Synchronously tells the notification server to hide the notification on the screen.
notify_notification_get_closed_reason(notification) Returns the closed reason code for the notification. This is valid only after the "closed" signal is emitted.
notify_notification_new(summary, body, icon) Creates a new NotifyNotification. The summary text is required, but all other parameters are optional.
notify_notification_set_app_name(notification, app_name) Sets the application name for the notification. If this function is not called or if app_name is null, the application name will be set from the value used in notify_init() or overridden with notify_set_app_name().
notify_notification_set_category(notification, category) Sets the category of this notification. This can be used by the notification server to filter or display the data in a certain way.
notify_notification_set_hint(notification, key, value) Sets a hint for key with value value . If value is NULL, a previously set hint for key is unset.
notify_notification_set_timeout(notification, timeout) Sets the timeout of the notification. To set the default time, pass NOTIFY_EXPIRES_DEFAULT as timeout . To set the notification to never expire, pass NOTIFY_EXPIRES_NEVER.
notify_notification_set_urgency(notification, urgency) Sets the urgency level of this notification.
notify_notification_show(notification, error) Tells the notification server to display the notification on the screen.
notify_notification_update(notification, summary, body, icon) Updates the notification text and icon. This won't send the update out and display it on the screen. For that, you will need to call notify_notification_show().




NotifyUrgency The urgency level of the notification.

Global variables

NOTIFY_EXPIRES_DEFAULT const(int) The default expiration time on a notification.
NOTIFY_EXPIRES_NEVER const(int) The notification never expires. It stays open until closed by the calling API or the user.


NotifyActionCallback void function(NotifyNotification*, char*, void*)